
Nexsys Logo

Simple code for complex engineering
Nexsys is a “language” for engineers to help solve equations and develop complex mathematical models to ease the design process. The Nexsys crate serves multiple functions and aims to be adaptable to a range of situations. Whether you’re solving equations in another application or just trying to crunch out an engineering problem, Nexsys aims to have a solution.

The nexsys Rust crate:

The nexsys crate offers a broad range of tools for addressing engineering problems. From bare-bones rust implementations of Newton’s method to an equation solving engine to a full “interpreter”, the nexsys crate offers a number of tools accessible in rust to aid with any engineering problem.

The nexsys Python package:

While narrower in scope, the nexsys Python package leverages pyo3 to bring the speed of the Nexsys interpreter and solver engine to the ease-of-use of Python. Use the Nexsys solver engine object to programmatically solve systems of equations or the py_solve function to interpret Nexsys code in Python and use the results elsewhere. Just run pip install nexsys to get started.

The nxc “compiler”:

For those who just want to solve equations, the nxc compiler offers a cli tool to crunch equations and print solutions in markdown format. Just fire up your equation solver of choice and run
nxc ./yourfile.nxs
to generate a .md with the solution and steps used to acquire it.